
Our bird magazine provides you with comprehensive information on all important topics and news about birds. Read more

1 min

Intelligence Toys for Birds

Eating and sleeping: this is what makes up the every day life of the majority of pet birds. Whilst life in the wild can be more varied than cage life, many pet birds live a fairly monotonous life.

4 min

How To Get Budgies Through The Summer

Budgies come from Australia and are used to dry heat there. If budgies get too hot in summer, they retreat to cooler places. Since they are predominantly kept in cages when in human hands, budgies cannot protect themselves from heat stress. Thus, these attractive birds rely on your help.

4 min

Parrot Diseases

There are numerous diseases that can afflict parrots, budgies and the like and you as a bird owner should know about them, because it's only possible to protect parrots from potential diseases with the relevant background knowledge. In this article, you will discover the most important parrot diseases.

9 min

Bourke’s parrot

Although Bourke's parrots are more inconspicuous and not as popular as budgies or cockatiels, these birds still make an impression with their calming and loving nature and thanks to being easy to own. Their pleasant singing isn't too loud, so Bourke's parrots can make suitable pets without complaints from your neighbours. If you're considering buying a Bourke's parrot and keeping it as a pet or are looking for special information on this bird species, you can find out here everything you need to know about Bourke's parrots.

6 min


Hardly any bird lovers can resist the unmistakable plumage, striking beauty and character of macaws. However, these attractive jungle birds are very demanding of their owners. We have summarised for you the most important tips for owning and caring for these exotic birds.

6 min

Araucana chickens

Araucana chickens are special in many senses: They have no tail, have tassels of feathers on their head and lay turquoise-coloured eggs. Find out here everything important about this unusual South American chicken breed, which experts have classed as a torture breed.

3 min

Wild Birds: Feed and Nesting Boxes

Nothing awakens the feeling of spring in a garden more than cheerful bird song. As snow and ice begins to melt, birds once again have a reason to sing, with the harsh winter over and difficult foraging a thing of the past.

Our most helpful articles
Bird Bird Breeds

Araucana chickens

Araucana chickens are special in many senses: They have no tail, have tassels of feathers on their head and lay turquoise-coloured eggs. Find out here everything important about this unusual South American chicken breed, which experts have classed as a torture breed.

Bird Bird Breeds


Those who have dealt with the needs of cockatiels will have noticed that the common ideas that this bird is the “ideal bird for beginners” or is “easy to handle” don’t necessarily apply. If you follow the basic rules for the correct care for this species, you will greatly enjoy your entertaining mini-cockatoos and they, in turn, will enjoy your company.

Latest articles
Bird Bird Breeds

Bourke’s parrot

Although Bourke's parrots are more inconspicuous and not as popular as budgies or cockatiels, these birds still make an impression with their calming and loving nature and thanks to being easy to own. Their pleasant singing isn't too loud, so Bourke's parrots can make suitable pets without complaints from your neighbours. If you're considering buying a Bourke's parrot and keeping it as a pet or are looking for special information on this bird species, you can find out here everything you need to know about Bourke's parrots.

Bird Bird Health and Care

How To Get Budgies Through The Summer

Budgies come from Australia and are used to dry heat there. If budgies get too hot in summer, they retreat to cooler places. Since they are predominantly kept in cages when in human hands, budgies cannot protect themselves from heat stress. Thus, these attractive birds rely on your help.

Our bird magazine provides not only information on bird breeds, but also a wide range of other topics such as nutrition, enrichment, health and care and more. Have you already decided on a breed? Then you should focus on how to provide your winged pet with the best life possible. Each breed and even individual has different dietary needs. Errors can creep in quickly which can affect the bird's health. This comprehensive information will advise you on all matters relating to nutrition. Take a look at the "nutrition" section.

Enrichment and health for a better life

You can find enrichment and play ideas in our games and training section. There is a big range of illnesses that can affect birds. Read what you can do to prevent ill health and care for your feathered friend if it is sick in our health and care section. Read about how to read signs off disease, diagnosis and therapy options. You will also learn important aspects that you should consider when breeding. If your flying companion is not doing well, a visit to the vet is of course imperative. Before your birdie moves in with you, you should inform yourself in detail about species-appropriate keeping in our adoption and ownership section.  In addition to information on the right cage selection, the magazine also explains how you can best keep birds together.

Wild birds matter too

You don't intend to owning a pet one, but simply enjoy the birds in the wild? The magazine also offers insights into how to care for wild birds and make your garden a welcoming space for them.