American Bobtail

Written by Jana Schubert
American Bobtail

The American Bobtail's standout feature is that its tail is only a maximum of half the length of other cats' tails.

The breed’s name hints at its most striking feature: the American Bobtail has a short tail, only half as long as that of other cats. Discover what else sets these gentle, sociable creatures apart.

Appearance of the American Bobtail

The American Bobtail is no delicate kitten. Weighing up to six kilograms and standing roughly thirty centimetres tall at the shoulder, this breed is counted among the more robust of felines.

Available in every conceivable colour and pattern, and in both short-haired and long-haired varieties, the long-haired members of the breed bear a resemblance to certain wildcats or even a lynx.

This breed is a late bloomer, meaning that the cats are not fully grown until they are two to three years old.

Muscular and Big-Boned

The American Bobtail boasts an athletic physique, with a muscular build and broad chest. Its pelvis matches the width of its sturdy chest, contributing to its powerful presence.

From the well-proportioned head, adorned with small tufts on the ears, the strong back slopes downward towards the hindquarters. This descending appearance is due to the fact that the American Bobtail’s front legs are longer than its hind ones.

Varying Tail Lengths Are Normal

A hallmark and finishing touch of the back line is the bobtail. This can be straight, kinked, or curled but is always significantly shorter than other cats’ tails.

The Origin of the Short Tail

The breed standard does not specify the exact tail length for the American Bobtail. A desirable tail is shorter than the hock but longer than two vertebrae.

Important to Note: Unlike other short-tailed cat breeds such as the Japanese Bobtail or the Manx, the American Bobtail with its bobtail isn’t considered a breed with inherent health issues. However, due to its shortened tail, the American Bobtail’s movement and communication abilities might be somewhat limited.

Nature and Behaviour: A Dog in Cat’s Clothing

Ever fancied having a dog but could only keep cats? The American Bobtail might just be the one for you! Jokes aside, this breed is indeed known for its dog-like nature.

It forms an exceptionally strong bond with its human and can rival any Labrador in terms of loyalty and loving capacity.

Guaranteed Fun with an American Bobtail

Many of the breed’s behaviours are reminiscent of a dog: American Bobtails fetch items, travel easily by car, quickly learn to walk on a lead, and love playing with their housemates.

These highly intelligent cats truly appreciate variety in play. In adulthood, it’s even possible to teach them cat tricks or to enjoy more complex games together.

Purring and Clicking The American Bobtail isn’t a yowler. When it’s happy, it emits soft clicking and purring sounds.

Keeping: The American Bobtail Loves the Outdoors

The sprightly breed doesn’t require excessive exercise but delights in nature rambles. Hence, it isn’t suited to indoor living exclusively.

When the American Bobtail has exhausted itself outdoors, it enjoys joining its humans for quality time. Ideally, install a cat flap so your pet can come and go as it pleases.

Ideally, you’d have a private garden or live in a quiet area where your cat can safely explore.

Beware the Escape Artist

Ensure that garden and door security mechanisms are truly cat-proof. The American Bobtail is known as an escape artist, capable of understanding and unlocking even complex locks.

Seemingly secure bolts are thus swiftly undone, and your cat may be gone in a flash.

Not a Part-Time Cat

This social and gregarious breed requires plenty of your time. American Bobtails crave their family’s undivided attention and seek interaction with both two-legged and four-legged friends alike.

They thrive in a household with children and other pets, quickly forming bonds with dogs, too.

Tip: If you’re often out, consider getting two cats or a cat and a dog. They can keep each other company and won’t solely cling to their human parents.

Plenty of Toys and Scratching Posts Required

Since the American Bobtail is very playful and lively, it’s wise to provide ample entertainment. Have a variety of different toys at home and distribute scratching posts around your dwelling.

On these, your cat can expend energy, sharpen its claws, and catch a few winks when solitude beckons.

How to care for your American Bobtail

The American Bobtail does not need any special care. As usual, check the claws regularly and remove dirt from the corners of the eyes.

Coat Care in Focus

For long-haired American Bobtails, coat care is, naturally, important. Long fur, as with all long-haired cats, is prone to matting and must be brushed regularly. Additionally, longer fur tends to collect more dirt from outdoor adventures.

If your cat rolls in wet earth or faeces, you can wash it with baby shampoo.

Caution: Long fur is also a favourite with ticks. Ensure your furry pal is protected from these parasites.

Health of the American Bobtail

American Bobtails enjoy solid health and can live to a ripe old age. Even with their bobtails, they climb and jump with ease.

Should your cat display unusual behaviour or appear unwell, don’t hesitate to consult the vet immediately. In long-haired cats, fur can clump in the intestines, causing blockages, which is always an emergency.

How Old Does an American Bobtail Get?

The average lifespan of an American Bobtail is around 18 years.

What Illnesses Are Common in American Bobtails?

Observed breed-specific health issues include:

  • Obesity: Some individuals are too fond of their hammocks, resulting in unhealthy fat deposits. Portion the food and never leave a full bowl – the American Bobtail will eat it all and beg for seconds with a round belly.
  • Periodontitis: Gum inflammations can cause pain while eating and lead to tooth loss.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This congenital misalignment of the hip joint causes pain during movement.
  • Spinal Deformations: Occasionally, a kitten is born with a shortened spine and, in some cases, no tail at all, although this is rare.

The predisposition for these health issues shouldn’t necessarily deter you from this breed. Purchase a healthy kitten and then make sure that it stays in good shape and its teeth remain healthy. That way, you’ll enjoy your new pet for many years to come.

American bobtail kitten © jane_khomi /
The American Bobtail is very playful and needs lots of attention from its humans.

Breeding and Buying: Where Can You Buy an American Bobtail?

American Bobtails are quite rare around these parts, and specialised breeders are few and far between. But they do exist!

Once you’ve chosen a breeder, stay vigilant: Take a close look at the breeding facility. Make sure you’re shown where and how the cat has been raised. Vaccinations and a complete medical record are also a must.

How Much Does an American Bobtail Cost?

When it comes to purchasing an American Bobtail, the price ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 euros. Age, fur colour, and lineage all factor into the cost. The monthly maintenance of these cats, at roughly 30 euros, hardly differs from other breeds.

A Natural Cat Breed

The American Bobtail breed has only existed since the 1960s. It arose naturally by utilising the genetic anomaly of the bobtail: It’s quite normal for cats with short tails to be born from time to time.

Crossing these cats with each other and adding some long-haired cat to the mix results in a short-tailed cat with longer fur – the American Bobtail.

Conclusion on the American Bobtail

The American Bobtail is a charismatic and intelligent cat with a huge capacity for affection and entertainment.

Owners usually find that American Bobtails instantly win their hearts, just as these lucky cat owners win over theirs. Few can resist the charm of this enchanting breed.

Profile of the American Bobtail

Quick Info:Affectionate, robust breed from the USA with a characteristic bobtail. Prefers outdoor access.
Withers Height:30 cm
Weight:3-6 kg
Average Lifespan:18 years
Price:1,000 – 1,500 euros
Nature:affectionate, playful, intelligent
Coat:short-haired or long-haired
Coat Colours:all colours and patterns
Grooming Needs:moderate
Energy Level:moderate

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Jana Schubert
Profilbild von zooplus Magazin Autorin Jana Schubert

Since I was a baby, I preferred to cuddle with our Persian cat rather than with my teddy bear. Later I got on my parents' nerves until I was allowed to adopt a horse. I have had many memorable experiences with my pets. And even though life with animals is not always easy, I wouldn't consider any other because pets touch my soul like nothing else. I even feel this magic when I write about them, and I hope some of it touches you as well.

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