Cat Grass – An Essential Supplement

Cat grass

Cats are carnivores, meaning their natural diet consists only of meat. However, it’s common to see outdoor cats eating grass and other plants, to help their digestion and the natural passing of hairballs.

The advantages of cat grass

House cats spend up to 60% of their day looking after their fur. So it’s no surprise that hairs often get lodged in their digestive system! Hair balls are not just irritating for you to clean up – they can also be dangerous to your cat’s health, and may lead to constipation. While outdoor cats can supplement their digestion by nibbling on grass, this is difficult for indoor cats. In many cases, indoor cats may even turn to eating house plants, which can be poisonous for them. Owners of indoor cats should therefore always keep a special supply of cat grass handy for their cat to chew on!

Not all cat grass is equal!

Cat grass is not any one particular type of grass. Instead it is usually a collection of different types of grasses that are suitable for cats to ingest. This tends to include cypress grass, spider plant and other various grasses.

  • Cypress grass: Cypress grass is non-toxic and is ideal as an alternative to standard grass. The one disadvantage is that many cats injure themselves on the sharp stalks.
  • Spider plants: These popular house plants cause retching and nausea, making them ideal for helping your cat to get rid of swallowed hairs. One disadvantage: spider plants suck up toxins from the air, and can pass them on to your cat – something to consider if you smoke!
  • Grains: plants such as wheat and barley are easy to sow and get a good crop of cat grass from. Bird food for canaries and budgies can also sometimes be a good source of suitable seeds.

You can also buy mixes of seed specifically designed for growing cat grass – take a look at our selection of Cat Grass.


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