Dog Health and Care

Owning a dog is great fun and immensely rewarding. But, dogs have complex needs and each dog is unique. Knowing how to properly care for your dog and its health is a useful skill to have, whether it’s administering first aid or knowing when to take them to the vet! Read more

9 min

Allergies affecting dogs

If a dog regularly scratches itself, we initially think parasites are the cause. However, there are further reasons for itchiness, such as allergies. Even dogs are affected by allergies and the number of allergic illnesses is increasing.

6 min

Anaemia in Dogs

Anaemia in dogs is not an illness itself but rather a symptom. That's why it's vital to identify the root cause, to tackle the issue effectively. We'll show you how to spot if your dog is anaemic and what steps to take after diagnosis.

6 min

Anaesthesia in Dogs: Procedure and Risks

Anaesthesia has not only revolutionised human medicine but also veterinary practice. Today, it makes it possible to perform more significant procedures on animals. However, anaesthetic agents can pose a health risk to patients, including dogs. Therefore, it's important for you to be familiar with the pros and cons of anaesthesia in dogs.

5 min

Arthrosis Affecting Dogs

Arthrosis is a widespread disease that very commonly affects humans and animals. It is a degenerative chronic joint alteration accompanied by pain and progressive restriction of the affected joint's mobility. Arthrosis is neither inflammatory nor infectious. It is a consequence of the ongoing decomposition of the joint cartilage beyond the usual level.

6 min

Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs

The triggers behind autoimmune diseases in dogs are not yet fully understood. However, one thing is certain: there are ways to manage immune-mediated illnesses to an extent. This article explains what these diseases are and how to handle them.

4 min

Bad breath in dogs

Bad dog breath is very unpleasant and a sign for underlying diseases in the mouth cavity. So that you and your canine friend can breathe easily again, we have summarised the most important information on the subject of bad breath in dogs for you.

4 min

Bathing puppies

The joy surrounding a new puppy is huge and we animal lovers usually concern ourselves at the start of the new friendship with subjects like diet, great toys or the right training. It's often the case that we only ask ourselves whether and how puppies can be bathed when they first jump in a muddy puddle. All important information is summarised in the following article in order to answer this question for you:

13 min

Birth and Breastfeeding for Dogs

The birth of new puppies is always a very special occasion even for experienced breeders. But how does the process of dogs giving birth actually work? What problems can emerge when breastfeeding the puppies and how can the owner support their female dog during this full-on phase?

5 min

Building a Bond with Your Dog

The dog, it's commonly said, is a human's best friend. There's a remarkable capacity for both to form deep connections with one another. But for our four-legged friends, it's not just about an emotional exchange - it's about a more profound level of communication. Read on to discover how you can build and strengthen your bond with your dog.

5 min

Can Dogs Love?

Dog owners are unanimous: Dogs are capable of feeling love. But what does current science say in response to the question "Can dogs love"? This article sheds light

7 min

Canine Malaria (Babesiosis)

Once considered among Mediterranean diseases, canine malaria, or babesiosis, is now on the rise in Germany due to the increasing spread of the parasites responsible for the infection in dogs. Left untreated, canine malaria can be fatal. This article provides information on symptoms, treatment, prospects for recovery, and prophylaxis.

6 min

Canine Spondylosis

Joint issues such as spondylosis in dogs can be very painful. Unfortunately, they are not at all rare. That's precisely why, as a dog owner, you should be able to recognise the signs early to help your furry friend as quickly as possible.

7 min

Cherry Eye in Dogs

Encountering red swellings on a dog's eyes can be quite alarming at first glance. But how serious is the so-called Cherry Eye in dogs? Discover all there is to know about the triggers and symptoms of this eye condition and what affected dogs need.

5 min

Cleaning Dog Ears: Practical Tips for at Home

In some cases as a dog owner, you can't avoid cleaning your four-legged friend's ears. Regular care is important especially with dogs that tend to suffer from ear infections. Our guide will explain what is the right way to clean your dog's ears and when it is necessary. 

7 min

Coconut Oil for Dogs

For many years now, coconut oil has been touted as a miracle cure for everything from parasites to inflammations in dogs. But how much truth is there to these claims? Find out what current studies say about the use of coconut oil in dogs in this article.

6 min

Coronavirus in dogs

Canine coronavirus (CcoV) is spread globally and particularly affects dogs kept in kennels and puppies. If we compare human coronavirus to that affecting dogs, it causes respiratory problems in the former, whilst the latter predominantly leads to gastrointestinal complaints. Although coronavirus infections in dogs are usually mild, they can be severe with heavy diarrhoea and even lead to death in animals with weak immune systems.

5 min

Cutting Dog Claws: How To Do It Right

Having their claws cut is no fun for most dogs. As soon as the claw clippers are taken out, many dogs hide and panic. Find out here the most important tips and tricks so that this doesn't happen and your dog learns to relax when having its claws cut.

5 min

Demodex Mites in Dogs

Has your dog ever had bald patches in its fur although it is otherwise well? Demodex mites could be the cause. These small parasites populate the fur of dogs and trigger demodicosis when they reproduce heavily. Find out in this article how you can help your pet and what else you need to know about demodex mites with dogs.

4 min

Depression in Dogs

Dogs are known for always being cheerful and a man's best friend. But what happens when the joy vanishes and your dog is depressed? Find out through this article the most important information on the subject of depression in dogs.

3 min

Determining Dog Age: How Old Is My Dog?

If you get a puppy from a breeder, they mostly know your dog's age to the very day. In contrast, animal shelters or animal welfare associations usually cannot give precise information about the dog's age. In such cases, it has to be estimated based on different indicators. We will show you how you can determine dog age.

5 min

Diabetes in dogs

Diabetes is the most common hormonal metabolic disease affecting dogs and is typically accompanied by increased fluid consumption and regular urination. Females and breeds like the Samoyed or Miniature Schnauzer show an increased risk of falling ill with diabetes. The disease is divided into diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, since their development process is different.

4 min

Dog Dementia

Many dogs accompany their owner for a large part of their life and reach a ripe old age. Of course, age also leaves its mark on our furry friends. The following article reveals signs of senility in dogs and how you can make the ageing process easier. As well, we will confront the difficult question of when it is time to say goodbye.

4 min

Dog Digestive Problems

Digestive disorders are a regularly occurring problem – and a rather unpleasant one at that. There can be many different reasons for diarrhoea. Poor nutrition, organ illnesses and infections caused by intestinal parasites or allergies must be considered possible causes of digestion problems. Initially the vet will treat them by conventional means, which will generally make “normal” diarrhoea disappear quickly. Things get complicated when it comes to regularly reoccurring problems, in which case a closer look needs to be taken at the causes.

21 min

Dog First Aid

It usually happens without any warning. A misplaced step on some broken glass, a wasp sting or a collision with a car, and suddenly your dog is yapping and bleeding, leaving its shocked owner wondering helplessly how to help man’s best friend. Here you can find out the best ways to prepare for such an incident, with first-aid measures you should learn and the recommended contents of a canine first aid kit.

6 min

Dog Food Allergy

If your dog isn't taking well to their grub, they might be suffering from a food allergy. Early signs can be increased itching and digestive issues. Read on to find out what can trigger a food allergy in dogs and how you can spot and treat it.

1 min

Dog Grooming

Every dog’s coat should be combed and brushed regularly to keep it in top condition, but the way you should care for your dog’s fur varies according to breed, length and even time of year. Regular grooming is important for the following reasons:

2 min

Dog Grooming in Winter

There's no such thing as bad weather for true fresh air fans. Be it mud, snow or salt on pavements, dog and owner go for walks lasting several hours and enjoy the winter period. However, you shouldn't forget that these weather conditions can put intensive demands on your dog's paws. Cracks in the paw pads or adhesions to the paws that make walking difficult and can trigger injuries are no rarity. You can provide relief with a few simple tricks:

4 min

Dogs Eating Grass

There are several rumours circulating as to why dogs nibble at "tasty" grass on their daily walk like sheep. But is this actually normal or should you worry if your dog eats grass?

9 min

Female Dogs in Heat

Although the heat period is an entirely natural process for female dogs, irritation at stains on the new carpet, fear of an unwanted pregnancy or their pet's strange behaviour can cause many dog owners to worry. Find out here everything you need to know about your female dog's heat period and how you can both overcome this without any stress.

7 min

Fitness for Dogs: How to Achieve an Ideal Weight

The path to our four-legged friends' hearts lies through their stomachs. Nevertheless, good intentions frequently result in obesity. With your assistance and a gentle exercise programme, your dog can shed weight, regain fitness, and move freely. We will outline exercises that enhance canine fitness and benefit you as well.

7 min

Flea Saliva Allergy in Dogs

Fleas are unwanted housemates for dogs, chiefly because they can transmit diseases with symptoms such as severe itching. Discover more about the development, treatment, and prevention of flea saliva allergy in your canine friend in this article.

5 min

Fleas on Dogs

More than 2,000 types of fleas parasitise mammals and birds. Dogs are most commonly inhabited by the Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea), more rarely by the Ctenocephalides canis (dog flea), and occasionally by the Pulex irritans and Pulex simulans (human flea), as well as by the Echidnophaga gallinacea (hen flea) and (hedgehog flea).

3 min

Gum Inflammation in Dogs (Gingivitis)

Does your dog have bad breath? If so, seeing a vet is advisable, because gum inflammation in dogs (gingivitis) can lead to bad breath. This article will tell you how this comes about and how you can treat your pet's gingivitis.

5 min

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Hip dysplasia (HD) affecting dogs is a genetically caused joint development disorder. External influences like environmental factors, housing and diet can also have a negative effect on joint development.

5 min

Incontinence in dogs

Incontinence describes uncontrolled urination or defecation, which can be triggered by several diseases. In contrast, continence is the ability to retain urine or faeces. In most cases, we assume incontinence to be of the urinary form. Urination is made possible by numerous anatomical and functional characteristics of the system. It helps to take a look at the anatomy in order to understand this in more detail.

5 min

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Dogs

When your dog is frequently vomiting or suffering from bouts of diarrhoea, it's natural for pet owners to be concerned. One possible cause for these symptoms is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). In this article, we'll distil the key facts about IBD in dogs and explain how you can manage this digestive condition.

4 min

Intoxication in Dogs

All dog owners fear intoxication. Although the police often warn of poisonous bait, innocent dogs die from rat poison and the like every year. Find out here which foods and substances can lead to intoxication in dogs and when you should go to the vet.

13 min

Itching in dogs

All dog owners are familiar with their dog scratching once in a while. Increased scratching can often occur during the moulting phase in particular. However, if you observe that this itching goes beyond a normal level and your dog is also licking and cleaning itself more often, you should urgently follow up on it. Itching can hugely limit a dog's wellbeing and reduce its quality of life. Sometimes itching is so bad that neither the dog nor the owner can sleep any more.

5 min

Kennel Cough in Dogs

Is your dog coughing regularly and is listless? Then you should think about kennel cough for dogs (infectious tracheobronchitis). The following article tells you what this disease is about and how you can protect your dog from it.

10 min

Leishmaniasis for Dogs

16 February 2024 | Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease transmitted by sandflies and can often prove fatal for dogs. Find out how you can protect your dog and how to recognise and treat the disease should it emerge.

6 min

Mange in Dogs (Sarcoptic)

Mange in dogs is not just an annoyance for our four-legged friends, but also a painful affliction. This article sheds light on how to recognise mange, what causes it and how you can help your hound.

7 min

MDR1 Gene Defect in Dogs

Many canine ailments respond well to medication. However, for dogs with the MDR1 gene defect, these drugs can cause significant harm. This genetic disorder is found in many dog breeds and can have serious consequences. In this article, we'll inform you about the gene defect and its dangers.

8 min

Mediterranean Diseases in Dogs

Before setting off on a holiday with your furry friend, dog owners should inform themselves about the significant topic of Mediterranean diseases in dogs. A holiday may be delightful, but it can spell bad news for your dog. Here you'll find the most important information on Mediterranean diseases in dogs.

5 min

Muscle and Limb Diseases in Dogs

Healthy bones, joints and muscles keep our pets free of pain when they're on the move. The first signs of illnesses are mainly linked to limited mobility: dogs avoid uncomfortable movements, such as climbing the stairs with spinal illnesses, or limp in order to protect the affected area. In the following article, we will offer a brief overview of possible diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system.

4 min

Old Age in Dogs

Many dogs accompany their owner for a large part of their lives and reach a ripe old age. Of course age leaves its mark on our furry friends too. The following article will reveal what the signs of senility in dogs are and how you can make ageing easier for them. Furthermore, we will tackle the difficult question of when it is time to say goodbye.

5 min

Osteopathy for Dogs

Osteopathy is a popular treatment for humans dealing with tension and movement disorders, and dogs can benefit from it too. Find out how osteopathy for dogs works and what effects it has in this article.

5 min

Painkillers for Dogs

Painkillers are one of the most common groups of medication used by vets. It's not surprising – they take away pain from dogs and contribute to a significant improvement in their quality of life. But what painkillers are there available for dogs and what do you have to consider in terms of administration?

7 min

Peritonitis in Dogs

Peritonitis in dogs is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can be fatal for the affected animal. Here’s what you need to know about what triggers peritonitis in dogs and how it’s treated.

7 min

Pododermatitis in Dogs

Our canine companions use their paws for practically everything, providing a foundation for an active lifestyle. Injuries or skin diseases like pododermatitis in dogs can severely affect your furry friend's quality of life and cause pain. In this article, learn how you can assist a dog suffering from this ailment.

5 min

Predatory Mites in Dogs (Cheyletiella)

Predatory mites, colloquially known among dog owners as "walking dandruff," may sound alarming. But are they dangerous to dogs? And how can you protect your pooch from these critters? This article compiles key information about the so-called Cheyletiella.

4 min

Renal insufficiency in dogs

Is your dog drinking more than normal or does it need to vomit? Then the problem could lie in its kidneys. Read here how the vet can help your dog and what you need to know about renal insufficiency in dogs.

5 min

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Reverse sneezing in dogs is distinctly different from normal sneezing. Instead of forcefully expelling the air, a dog inhales it spasmodically. Read on for all you need to know about the causes and treatment.

8 min

Should I Get My Dog Neutered?

Neutering has traditionally been a standard veterinary practice, but is it universally recommended? What distinguishes neutering from sterilisation and what expenses should a dog owner anticipate? Here, you can discover all the essential information concerning the advantages and disadvantages of neutering your dog.

4 min

Skin diseases in dogs

Have you discovered that your dog has scales or is it scratching itself more often? Then you should take a closer look at its skin! Read here which skin diseases are common in dogs and how you can care for your dog's skin.

3 min

Sunburn in Dogs

Summer means more enjoyable, light-filled walks with your dog. Unfortunately, this also means that sunburn in dogs becomes a danger that needs to be taken seriously.

3 min

Teething in Dogs

Puppies are as sweet as sugar and keep their new home nice and busy – especially when their first milk teeth are coming through. We will explain what you as a new dog owner should know about teething in dogs and how you can make this painful phase for your puppy as pleasant as possible.

6 min

The Merle Factor in Dogs: Beauty with a Dark Side

The Merle factor results in distinctive dogs with light patches and speckles. However, this is actually due to a genetic defect, which can be linked to incurable diseases. Here you'll find all the essential information about the Merle factor in dogs.

9 min

The most important vaccinations for your dog

No question about it – vaccinations help protect your dog from deadly infectious diseases. But which vaccinations should your dog have? What does your puppy actually receive in its initial immunisations, and how often should your dog have boosters to ensure life-long protection?

6 min

Vestibular Syndrome in Dogs

Riding a carousel is great fun. But too much of a good thing can make you feel queasy. Dogs with vestibular syndrome experience something similar. Find out what lies behind this condition and whether vestibular syndrome in dogs is curable in this article.

6 min

Warts in Dogs

Warts don't just crop up in humans; our four-legged friends get them too. But are warts in dogs dangerous, and what should you do if you spot these little skin changes on your pooch? This article will answer your most pressing queries.

5 min

X-Ray in Dogs

Is your dog limping severely after an injury? Then, it’s a reason to have your pooch examined by a vet via X-ray. Discover other reasons for X-raying dogs and how the procedure unfolds in this article.

3 min

Your Dog’s First Visit to the Vet

After a few days of letting your new dog settle in, it is advisable to introduce your newest little family member to the vet. This allows immediate detection of any possible infections or parasites, and allows you to instantly treat any issues.

Pampering Your Pet!

Caring for your dog starts with the simplest task of grooming. Every dog’s coat should be combed and brushed regularly to keep it in top condition, but the way you should care for your dog’s fur varies according to breed, length and even time of year. Regular grooming is important as it can make your dog feel more comfortable. Having tangled hair and itchy skin is no fun, so giving your dog a proper brush can make it feel happy and loved! Tangled fur is also a haven for parasites, such as fleas, ticks and mites, so grooming your dog can help protect them against unwanted parasites.

Grooming isn’t all about brushing and fur though, it’s also about eyes, ears and claws! Making sure your dog’s eyes are healthy, its ears are clean and its claws are clipped will also make for a happy pup. Every person loves a spa day after all, so why wouldn’t your dog?

Time to go to the V-E-T

Just like people, your dog will get sick at some point and when it does it’s important to know what to do. Do you take your dog to the vet or is it something you can deal with at home?

If your dog has a physical injury, you may be able to treat it at home, depending on how serious it is. Having a Dog First Aid Kid at home is a great way to be prepared for life’s little mishaps. Treating a cut or bite can easily be cared for at home, but for more serious injuries, such as a broken bone it’s advisable to see your vet for proper care.

During its life your dog will have to go to the vet for various reasons. One of the most common is having your dog neutered and is a very common procedure, which is done in a veterinary practice. Some people prefer not to have their dogs neutered, especially if they are interested in breeding their dog.