Hamster Language
Hamster are much loved pets. Even though they don’t coo like guinea pigs or squeak like rabbits, hamsters have a complex language. Here are a few tips to help you understand your new pet!
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Hamster are much loved pets. Even though they don’t coo like guinea pigs or squeak like rabbits, hamsters have a complex language. Here are a few tips to help you understand your new pet!
Hamsters like to talk to themselves, for example, when looking for a tasty snack or when building their nest. However, increasing and urgent cheeping can indicate your hamster is in pain and you should check your pet thoroughly in this case.
Hamster show their excitement with a noise that sounds like a sneeze.
A loud squeal indicates that your rodent is scared or is in great pain.
If your hamster wants to be left alone, it will hiss or growl.
Guinea pigs can also communicate! Read all the interesting facts about guinea pig language.
Hamster are much loved pets. Even though they don’t coo like guinea pigs or squeak like rabbits, hamsters have a complex language. Here are a few tips to help you understand your new pet!
Rabbits can be kept outdoors all year round. However, you need to make a few provisions to protect them from the heat, frost, wind and rain. This article will explain everything you need to know when keeping rabbits outdoors.
Speedy the guinea pig sits in his favourite place and observes the world from up high. After a few strenuous hours he is pretty exhausted. First a round of jogging, then a good climb up and down and finally a delicious salad. That is how a guinea pig gets really tired.