Small Pet Breeds

8 min

African Pouched Rat

Embark on a journey with us as we delve into the captivating world of the African Pouched Rat – an intriguing rodent species from Africa often mistaken for a hamster due to its appearance and mannerisms. The zooplus breed profile sheds light on the exotic rodent’s care and varieties.

5 min

Alaska Rabbit 

The Alaska rabbit is a solid black breed from Germany. These animals have a dense, glossy coat and were originally bred as providers of fur and meat. Nowadays, they are often kept as lively, alert little pets.

9 min

Angora Rabbit

Angora rabbits are primarily known for their fluffy fur consisting of angora wool. Due to their numerous health problems, you shouldn't support the breeding of Angora rabbits. If it has to be an Angora rabbit, it's best to go to an animal shelter.

8 min


Despite being labelled as "bloodsuckers" or "disease carriers," there are many opinions about bats. But which claims are true and what makes these flying creatures so special? Find all the information right here.

7 min

Capybara: The New Trendy Pet?

Originating from South America and somewhat akin to beavers and otters, the capybara—also known by the alternative name "water pig"—is in part an aquatic animal. On TikTok, Instagram and the like, these charming rodents are attracting a great deal of attention. But what makes these exotics so unique, and could a capybara be suitable as a pet?

6 min

Dutch Rabbit

Rabbit experts know that the Dutch Rabbit is a special breed, because it is the only rabbit with its unique coat pattern. As well, it impresses breeders and owners with an even-tempered character. Get to know these long-eared beauties in the breed profile.

7 min

Giant African Land Snails (Achatinidae)

Giant African Land Snails, also known as Achatinidae, rank among the largest terrestrial molluscs. They can grow up to 30cm in length. Their origins are in Africa and many tropical countries. The natural habitat of these sizable creatures is diverse, as they can be found in both arid regions and in areas with heavy rainfall and swamps.

7 min

Hermelin Rabbits

The Hermelin rabbit is considered the archetype of the dwarf rabbit. Its good-natured character and rounded body shape make it one of the most popular rabbit breeds. Discover what it's like to live with these white dwarves and what to consider when keeping them in this guide.

7 min

Holland Lop

Simply adorable, little Holland Lops with long lop ears conquer the hearts of all animal lovers in a flash! With the right care and plenty of affection, these cute rodents are ideal pets for the whole family. Read more on owning Holland Lops.

6 min

Japanese Rabbit

Japanese rabbits are quite the characters within the rabbit realm, not only for their vibrantly patchwork fur but for their jaunty and cheeky demeanour too. Whilst their name might suggest otherwise, there isn't any connection to Japan for this endangered breed, also known as Harlequin Rabbits. Instead, learn about their true origins and what makes them so unique right here.

9 min

Lionhead Rabbit

Dwarf rabbits are most suited to being kept as pets. A particularly popular dwarf breed is the lionhead rabbit, which we will introduce you to here.

6 min

Peruvian Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs have been popular pets for years. If you're looking for a particularly marvellous guinea pig, you will definitely strike lucky with the Peruvian guinea pig. These sweet mopheads don't just impress with their cheeky hairstyle, but with their lively character too. However, their long fur does require a certain amount of grooming.

4 min

Siberian Chipmunk

The Siberian chipmunk is becoming increasingly popular as a pet. Due to its lively ways, its button eyes and its cute appearance, more and more people are falling under its charms. That said, these pint-sized pets are more demanding than they first appear to be.

7 min

Teddy Rabbits

Teddy rabbits are dwarf rabbits. With their plush fur and round bodies, they are real furballs. As cute as they may look, you should refrain from purchasing teddy rabbits for ethical reasons, because these little rabbits have a problematic breeding history.

6 min

Thuringian Rabbits

The Thuringian rabbit, a breed that's been around for over a century from the region of Thuringia, may need a bit more space than other fluffy pals, but what they offer in return are exceptionally even-tempered and docile qualities. Discover everything else that's good to know about this breed right here.

7 min

Vienna Blue

The name says it all: the Vienna Blue rabbit breed originally comes from Austria. With their shiny blue-grey fur, rabbits of this breed aren't just very attractive to look at, but also have a loving character. In addition, these pleasant long-eared pets are robust and low-maintenance.

2 min

Yellow Necked Mouse

It is no surprise that the yellow necked mouse, which is very active at night and not normally found in areas where humans live, is not at all well-known. Until this century, this rodent was not differentiated from its sibling species, the wood mouse, which is known to most people.