Grain-Free Food for Small Pets

grain-free food for rodents

Going without grain

It is a widespread misconception that small pets eat grain. Grain in the form of concentrated feed is only suitable as an occasional snack! The natural diet of pets such as Guinea Pigs is made up of grass and herbs. Small that are kept in cages should be given lots of grain-free fresh food.

What grain-free foods for small pets are suitable?

Those who wish to do the best for their rodent shouldn’t fall back on products with grain in, but rather should give ample fruits and vegetables. Grain-free food for small pets, dried fruits and vegetables, fodder and plant bulbs are all suitable.

Many small pets particularly like dried bananas and apples. However, be aware that only products that are developed specifically for rodents by the pet industry will be suitable. Dried fruit products that are made for humans often contain sugar or have additives to prolong the shelf life.

In addition, there are also some types of dried vegetables which are specifically suited to bunnies and guinea pigs and co. Dried carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, dried leek boosts digestion and carob is high in calcium.

Most grain-free feed is made from a mix of different herbs as well as dried fruit and vegetable products. In addition to roughage. Perfect grain-free food for small pets are ears of wheat and plant bulbs. These are rich in fibre and keep digestion in full swing. They are also low in calories – the perfect snack for in between meals!

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