5 reviews forTrixie Protective Fencing for Tilting Windows - White
Upload your product photo15/05/20|Deborah
Trixie Protective Fencing for Tilting Windows
They defiantly work for our maine coon who likes to escape. We just had to make them more secure as she a heavy girl.
Peace of mind
Having adopted two very active young adult indoor cats, we were scared that they could escape our get hurt in our upstairs windows. With the hot summer we've had, keeping the windows closed wasn't an option. The fencing has been great. We couldn't use screws on our windows, but the recommended heavy duty double sided foam tape has stuck them up with no problem. They cover all the gaps we were concerned about, and are very reasonably priced.
Defo a cat saviour!
Bought these after I found my furbaby in agony as she'd got her paw caught in the window, although they don't stop this, they certainly stop both cats from getting out. At the moment I have V shaped doorstop wedges packed into the gap when the windows are open, so neither of them can get their paws wedged in again.
***N.B. note to manufacturer.... can you make anything to stop the cats getting their paws caught in the narrowing part of the opening of the tilting Windows?***
Brilliant news
A few years ago I knew of a family that got up in the morning to find their beloved cat had got trapped and died in one of these awful windows so to see this now available on Zooplus website is great news.
Peace of mind
As my windows don't open the same as in the product pictures (see my pic of Benji), I use strong velcro to fasten the fencing onto my windows, then simply take off to close them. when fixed in place, they feel very secure so I can leave Benji alone in the room with the window open, and she loves to look out!