19 reviews forSanicat Active White Lotus Flower Clumping Litter
Upload your product photo14/08/23|Chris G.
Not good at all
I bought this as a cheaper alternative to our usual Everclean. I’m not going to buy it again, the scent is overpowering, the clumps fall apart in the tray and the bits of litter track all over the house. I definitely do not recommend and will be going back to Everclean
29/03/23|James Marshall
Best cat litter on the market.
Best cat litter on the market and we’ve tried just about all of them. Lasts ages and worth every penny.
Best clumping cat litter I've found
The smell of this is lovely so I no longer have to use litter freshener between cleans.
The litter clumps well when there is a substantial amount in the tray but can be tough to remove if there's little in the tray.
My cat doesn't seem to be bothered about the smell, doesn't put him off!
I used to buy this brand at another pet store in the UK and its a lot cheaper on here!
Too strong smell, cat won’t use
I have two cats and one cat refuses to use this so much because of the very strong perfume smell he found other places in the house to pee (this happened also when i bought other pink sanicat perfume bag). The other cat used it but it sticks so much in the litter tray to the bottom. Sticking to the Aloe vera sanicat from now on!
not like before
My cat loves it and the clumps are super strong, but it's not working for me. We were happy with it for a while, but it's becoming too messy: the packs often leak, it tracks everywhere despite using a huge mat under the litter box and it is so so dusty.
26/07/20|Marion C
Sanicat Clumping Litter
This litter is very soft on your cats paws, but it raises so much dust which spoils the overall experience. It also tracks everywhere despite me buying the largest litter mat that I could find. So it has plus and minus points. It depends what the owner wants. You can be sure your cat will like it.
Not what i expected
As some other reviewers have said, this sets like concrete with wee, cats leave white paw prints after use, and delivery with boxes that were damaged have left my porch mat wrecked, and outside too as it rained on delivery...will not use again. back to sanicat gold for the feline family... (although zooplus great for refunding damaged and unusable litter and did replace very promptly)
19/08/19|natalie mcDermott
Like cement
Did not like this at all. It hardens like cement and cleaning is very difficult... you almost need a spade to lift the lumps out. Very disappointed with this.
Best so far.
Great product and nice smell too.
I keep trying different litters that people rave about but keep coming back to this. 4 very fussy OSHs but they share one tray happily because this is so easy to scoop it's like a fresh tray every day. One box lasts us 10 days & it's fine enough to be picked up by the vacuum cleaner if any tracks or spills. Highly recommended trying it, especially if you've got a multi-cat household.
13/11/17|Z Smith
Great clumping litter
After having tried several types of litter, I wouldn't use anything else other than the clumping type. For years, I've used Tesco's Ultra Clumping which was great, but for some reason they've discontinued it. It took me several false attempts to find this one as a replacement and it works great. I always remove the clumps as soon as I notice them (several times a day) and top it up, so the litter box is always fresh and clean.
Best cat litter, clumps are strong, and has less dust than others
I started using this about 6 weeks ago. I have three fussy Somalis, and they'd been using the same clay based litter for a long time. I switched to this, since I was looking for a dust-free cat litter...and have been delighted with it. The litter smells very nice, and is a nice consistency. When I pour it into the litter tray, it doesn't create a cloud of dust. The cats liked it immediately, and started using it straight away. The clumps are very strong and don't break apart. Very good litter!
great clumping, but horrible tracking
Disappointing, because the tracking makes this otherwise relatively good product unusable. I don't like the chemical smell very much, but it isn't too strong. The clumping is really great, but again, the granules were distributed all over the flat, which made the whole litter useless.
09/02/17|Sharon Tunnicliffe
I have always used wood based litter but decided to give this a trial. When I put the first lot of litter in the tray I thought 'this won't last long' but I was wrong. It clumps really well and is very easy to clean out and the odour control is also good. It is a fine granule so it does tend to get end up on the floor but overall, a much better choice.
Almost Purrfection
My cat is quite fussy about litter. He'll never stray from the box, but I can tell when he's not happy with it as he meows complainingly a great deal before using it then he'll "forget" how to bury his business and go frantic for ages scratching the sides of his boxlike he thinks that'll eventually cover it. I figured out that maybe some litters are to rough on his paws. Because this stuff is so fine, it's very soft and easy under paw, and though it has a nice fragrance, it's not over powering but certainly conceals odor very well. The multi pack offer is a bargain. The only thing I'd fault is the packaging. Whilst it's easy to pour, I have had boxes leak from the opening before being opened and there's always quite a lot left that gets stuck in the box and won't pour out. I end up tearing it appart to get the last bit out as I can't stand waste, but the box is murder to tear open. Perhaps a larger funnel opening with a sturdier seal would solve the problem.
Best cat litter
Me and my cats have tried lots and lots of different cat litters, and none are as good as this. It clumps really well and has a nice smell. Handy packaging with an opening to pour it straight into the litter box.
Highly recommended.
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
Highly recommended
Have tried lots of different cat litters over the years and I have to say it clumps very well and covers the smell brilliantly. Makes it very quick and easy to clean. The opening in the box makes it even more handy, and adds the final touch to a wonderful product.
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
Good but not excellent
I used Sanicat clumping gold for a long while, but after a couple of days there was always a smell of wee despite clearing out the clumps. So I gave this one a try, and I prefer it. It clumps well and the slight scent is fine, but again is not great at odour control. After using this, I have found a silica litter which I much prefer. But if you like microgranule bentonite litter, you'll like this.
sanicat zen cat litter
brilliant, lasts ages, clumps great and no odour