5 reviews forWild Freedom Freeze-Dried Snacks - Beef Liver
Upload your product photo04/07/24
Siamese, LaPerm & Snowshoe approved.
All 3 furballs go mad for these treats. They usually have the Cosma treats but these are definitely favourite & they weren't impressed when they were out of stock. As they will only eat pure meat treats, freeze dried are good value. A quick shake of the pot & they are in from the garden in record time. The treats do have to be kept in a cupboard or they will find a way of helping themselves.
Maine Coon loves it
My boy loves these, the WF chicken hearts are his absolute favourites but he’ll still do tricks to get his paws on the beef liver cubes.
07/11/21|Sadie Lyons
Go for the chicken option.
The chicken version is an absolute winner in my house but the beef liver is totally ignored. I cut the chicken livers up with a scissors and they are very economical if you ration then to a few every few days. Cats love surprise food. So I'm always swapping food around! Everyday is like Christmas for my 2 spoilt rotten gremlins!
Maine Coon loves it
My MC boy can’t have Dreamies and most other cat treats without something horrific happening in his litter tray, he’s absolutely mad for these treats and has gone after the tub countless times (thankfully the lid has stayed on securely each time). He has no problems with with the treats at either end and so far wild freedom tubs last ages.
5* alone for cat proof container.
15/10/21|Pennie Kennedy
My cats refuse them
Both my cats absolutely love the W F chicken hearts (as well as all the other treats that I’ve offered them…). One eventually took a beef treat and then spat it out - the other refused point blank. I’m looking after my neighbour’s cat and she won’t have them either. Another family cat (with an extremely healthy appetite) ate a few and was then sick.