5 reviews forPerfect Fit Sensitive 1+ Rich in Turkey
Upload your product photo08/10/23
Not impressed
My little girl tried it ate it for a day or two then she was not interested.
Don't know what we would do without!
Both my 10 year old cats, rescues from south Spain, are difficult with their food but love Perfect Fit Sensitive. Our lady cat is not happy without it, she will sit in front of her biscuit dish and complain. During the pandemic I tried other brands due to shortages but she was not touching those. Important for me, it's sugar free, soya free and grain free.
28/05/23|Susan Gilani
Goes Down a Treat
My cat Blackee had issues with wet food for a while. He kept being sick. I switched him to IAMS dried food. Which worked well for a few years.
Xmas last year (2022), l was finding blood in his Pooh and he was throwing up. The vet said he must have eaten something outside that did not agree with him, as physically, he was fine.
Tried Perfect Fit Turkey, 750g. He absolutely loved it. So l purchased 7kg. He still loves it. And no throwing up for the last 3 months or so.
Product has Changed
My cat has a very s3nsitive tummy and has been eating this for ages now with no issues. The last bag had changed and the pieces are much smaller, after 1 day eating the new bag his tummy was swollen and gurgling. I wrote to them to ask if they changed any if the ingredients when they changed the size but did not get a reply. I'm now looking for another food he can eat. Its a shame as it would have got 5 stars before the changes
excellent for a fussy cat
My cat is super fussy about his food, especially dry food but he really loves this stuff. I got it because he had started vomiting up his dry food, that has not happened since he started this and he likes it so much I am considering reducing his wet food and increasing this (don't tell him!).
My only issue is that I have just come on to order more and it has doubled in price - so maybe it was on an offer before - typical! Oh well, it is probably still worth it!