26 reviews forRoyal Canin Siamese Adult
Upload your product photo17/01/25
Keeps Siamese teeth healthy!
We switched our first (old style) Siamese boy to Royal Canin Siamese dry food when the vet said he was showing signs of gingivitis at 1 yr old. He's now 6 yrs old and gets complimented by the vet at his annual check ups - 'I've not seen teeth this good in a very long time!' He also happens to love the Royal Canin. We started his younger half brother on it as soon as he was old enough and he also has perfect teeth. Highly recommended.
My cats love this but..
I have two Suffolks (Oriental body & jaw shape). They absolutely love this food, but 1) they empty the bowl far too quickly so I am forced to spilt the daily ration into two. The daily ration when combined with 1 pouch of wet food is supposed to be 12g!! 2) the litter box is MUCH more smelly, either because of the higher protein content, or because they end up eating more than they should.
I'm going to mix small amounts of this with light or satiety food to avoid them turning into fat cats!!
14/07/21|Anzelika maksimena
Best cat food for oriental
If you want to owe healthy cat with shiny fur kindly recommend this food .
08/07/21|Diana in London
Great for our Burmese as well!
We've had Burmese cats for >22 years now. Our current 2 young Burmese have been doing very well on this food since their 1st birthday not too long ago. Our first Burmese babies (who lived to the beautiful age of 19 1/2) when younger (i.e. under 10!) used to oftentimes eat quickly and vomit. I wish I had known of & found this Royal Canin food with them :) The shape of the food does indeed help the cats to slow down a bit - a great bonus with Burmese. Very pleased and a great food for young cats!
Soooo delicious that is
My oriental cat use to vomit dry food n with this one so far she haven’t brought it up at all.She seems more settler n keep going n munching them biscuits during day .And she is very fussy eater
Much happier Siamese!
My Havana Brown was constantly wolfing down his biscuits and then bringing them straight back up again and despite getting a bowl designed to stop this he learnt how to use it so quickly that he just carried on wolfing it down! He has been on Royal Canin Siamese for just over a week and not one single episode of sickness so far. Fingers crossed that something about these biscuits really works!
Perfect for Siamese
A bit sceptical at first but my Siamese Mia loves these and the shape seems to make it easier for her to chew them. I’ve noticed the ‘fur ball’ type coughing has virtually ceased since I started giving her these. I know it’s a different brand but she also LOVES cat soup, either Gourmet or Sheba.
28/03/19|Paul James
Cats love this food
Great food and keeps the teeth clean
Fabulous for the teeth
My Siamese loves it. Being a piglett he would just inhale normal biscuits and it would not touch his teeth. So my oriental never had this food and had rotten teeth. The Siamese has great teeth three years of eating this stuff :)
01/10/16|Josie Brownlow
I have tried various other top quality cat foods in addition to this cat food and this one always wins. I like to give my cats variety so they share Sheba wet food pouch each day and they have royal canin siamese every day too. To be honest i need not bother with the wet food because they mainly eat the jelly or gravy, there is always meat left in the bowl. I have one siamese and he prefers the royal canin siamese dry food and my other cat is a Bengal cross, he likes both.
Happy kitties!
I have four Siamese - and they love these biscuits! If I knock them off at all (or I run out!)
They are a good size and mine love the crunchiness of them. I wouldn't (dare) use anything else! My cats are sleek, fit and healthy - everything a Siamese should be!
23/10/14|Karry Gardner
My Cat Lost Her Hair .
Within days of putting my cat on this dedicated diet , I noticed that her tummy was becoming completely bald . Discussion with my vet revealed that this diet is totally unsuitable for an elderly Siamese / Oriental cat as it is too protein rich . Yes, she certainly loved the taste but had I left her on it , she would have becom very ill indeed . I will go back to Hills - I am appalled that I have caused her this discomfort - poor girl .
great for fussy cats,all my cats love it!
This is a great quality food and if you have a cat that has a tendency to be sick this is excellent as the biscuits are doughnut shaped so they actually crunch them instead of swallowing them! All six of my cats love them and they all have beautiful shiny coats,they also love the Royal Canin wet sachets too
23/05/14|Carol Bird
Siamese food
I own a Siamese and a Bengal cross last month I changed to this food I have no waste as it gets eaten fast they love it. They look in the best of health and my Siamese now has to chew her food, she never did with cheaper brands I would recommend this to any owners of Siamese cats, my Bengal also loves this food.
Suits a fussy cat
I've been having this for nearly 9 years now and he has never gone off it, unlike the wet food, which he will eat one day and turn his nose up the next. I never worry about him starving because he will always eat biscuit, even though he's had some teeth out.
I'm now trying the British Shorthair for a waif and stray we've taken in although Siamese man is nicking some of it!
Excellent Dried Food
My two fussy but beautiful indoor Siamese cats adore this cat food. It represents very good value especially if you buy it online. Their coats are glossy and teeth strong. I tried it after it was recommended to me and have never looked back. They had been eating James Well-Beloved but I think the company changed the original formula in 2013 and they disliked the new one.
10/10/13|Paul James
Great food for great cats
My siamese cat has been on this food since he was 12 months old, early hours in the morning can hear him chewing his food, his coat is shiney, teeth always clean, bright blue eyes, Recommend this food to all my siamese cat owners ;)
Happy Orientals!
I have four cats; 3 Siamese and an Oriental S/H. My Siamese are all kittens so on something else but my Oriental, Freya just loves these biscuits!! She gets up at about 5 am and you can hear her crunching away. You can tell just by her face how much she enjoys these so from now on this is what she'll be on (and the others two when they are all grown up LOL!)
Great for all your cats!
We have a rather gummy maine coone (had a few teeth out) an exotic shorthair and a siamese ragdoll x. All three eat this food. The kibble is small enough for the exotic and slows down the eating speed of the other two. I highly recommend this food. My only gripe is that it doesn't come in the 2kg bag for easier storage. (We also get the hair ball and Persian food'and both are brilliant).
Excellent - what more can be said
My tabby Siamese thrives on this and being a neutered female has not developed a paunch. Her coat is shiny and her eyes are clear. Full of beans and completely crackers which happens to be her name too!