9 reviews forYarrah Organic with Fish
Upload your product photo25/05/21|Adrian Chapman
Would not touch it.
Two cats, not particularly fussy eaters... and they would not go near this.
So we asked friends if they wanted it...
One's cat wouldn't touch it.
Another has two - one wouldn't, one did.
Don't start off with a big 10kg bag... Try them on a small one first!
24/11/20|Rob Gilbert
All of them love it
Much like the chicken ones, all of our 3 love these and have had no problems changing from Lilly's Kitchen which they were very fond of beforehand.
30/08/20|Alison Oliphant
NOT grain-free. Buy the chicken version
Was about to buy this, because my cats are sometimes too lazy to catch their own organic, free range baby rabbits, voles and mice, so have to buy processed food too (especially over winter). However luckily spotted that the ingredients of this include wheat - a no-no for cats who never eat carbs naturally. I can no longer trust Lily's Kitchen since they were taken over by Nestle, so rely on Yarrah for organic ingredients. Why ruin trust by adding a cheap, filler which is all wheat is (I don't ev
not enough acidity and cause stones in bladder
I have been buying Yarrah brand for a while now. mostly the chicken and i have tried the chicken and fish grain free mixed too. but recently i switched to this fish flavor.
After finishing about 1/3 of the 10kg bag, I noticed the litter has speckle of blood on it. to cut this short, he had to has a cavitor stuck into his little weewee to drain his pee out. and a cost of £400.
Cat looks good on this food
Our cat happily eats this food and seems to like it. Coat shiny and soft and she's the picture of health. A bonus that the fish is certified and sustainable.
Shiny fur and a good conscience
We have been buying this food for our two cats - simply because it is organic and with certified fish. I am quite sure our cats want their food to be as cruelty-free as possible ;) Their fur is absolutely gorgeous and shiny on this food. I can highly recommend it. Unfortunately, one of our cats is allergic to fish, so we have to stop buying it to our big regret.
06/12/13|Rebecca Frost
Healthy, organic and low carbon footprint
This is the most reasonably priced organic make on the cat food market. My cats tummies are much better when having Yarrah products too. There isn't lots of nasty ingredients and I feel happier that Yarrah have one of the lowest carbon footprints for a pet food manufacturer on the market, meaning they think about their impact on the environment and keep emissions from production low. They also DO NOT test on animals like some of the others! My cats scoff this down and I feel happy that I am feeding them something healthy not full of chemicals.
Very good!
My cat has allergy problem...
This food is Ok for her and her hair and skin are healthier!
And my fussy cats like the taste as well!
cat likes it
We adopted an adult cat who had been given average supermarket food previously (and refused to touch it)...he devoured this stuff the minute I poured it into his bowl. On that basis, I'd recommend giving it a go!