19 reviews forPurina Pro Plan Fortiflora Feline Probiotic
Upload your product photo03/08/24|Pam D
Happy kitty no upset tum
Wasn’t sure how this would help my ginger Tom, he is an extremely fussy eater & having only just changing his main wet food due to Vet diagnosis IBD/IBS
WOW it’s like gold dust he just can’t wait to get eating . I’ve put food down without it and he just refuses- add sprinkles and we have clean plates time after time.
Healthy litter box - overall one very happy kitty- His coat & stamina is much more improved.highly recommend
It works!
My otherwise healthy cat had suffered from daily diarrhoea for a long time. Sample tests for parasites were all negative & I tried switching his diet but he refused to eat any of the foods I tried. Someone then recommended I try Fortiflora. I was delighted to see definite signs of improvement after about a week and now 6 weeks later his stools are normal most of the time which is amazing considering this was a longstanding problem. He also loves the smell/taste of it on his food!
Got my cat constipated
As my cat reached 17 years old, I noticed he became less regular. Instead of once a day he now often poo every other day. So I ordered this Pro Plan feline probiotics. Despite we started slowly by only giving him a half sachet a day, it seems this completely stopped his bowl movement. Nothing changed in his dry and wet food, and yet he hasn’t done 1 poo over the past 4 days while having this probiotics. He now looked very lethargic. I can imagine he must feel very unwell, feeling so worried.
I purchased as my cat had been diagnosed with Pancreatitis and had to have a bland diet. On foods that she would not eat all I had to do was sprinkle this on and she would eat it. I have also tried when my other cats didn't eat their food and they loved it to. Would definitely recommend if your cat is off their food. There has been an improvement in her toilets and hope this will improve. Only now to find a food that helps her
Easy to mix in my cat's wet food
Easy to mix in my cat's wet food. A great idea, and glad my cat will have a month of some good bacteria to balance things.
Fur babies love it
I have 2 Norwegian Forest Cats (males) my breeder recommended this when they were kittens with upset tummies. I’ve used it ever since they are 4 years old now and never have trouble with their tummies and their poo is always firm and normal.
My cat won't eat it in her food
Nervous tummy and very loose bowel movements. Based on the reviews I bought this product. My cat just won't eat the food with it in. I'd been given a paste prebiotic by the vet that just freaked her. Had all my hopes on this powder.
13/04/23|Sarah Norrish
Fussy eaters
I have 3 Bengals who are very fussy eaters as well as being renowned for tummy troubles. They each have 3 wet food meals a day with Fortiflora sprinkled over the top alongside adlib dry food (both gastrointestinsl as Bengals are renowned for loose stools). They woof it down plus firm stools. I can't recommend it enough.....
Caused diarrhea
Be careful when buying this. My kitten has bad diarrhea just after two sackets. I hope he will recover soon, but I will never buy
04/11/22|Tina brown
Pro plan fortiflora
My cat has IBD or IBS always has poorly stomach but this is amazing. She is so much happier settled and better she eats any food with this on and enjoys it
It Works!
My cat had very stubborn diarrohea for months, despite being treated for a parasite at the vets that initially seemed to sort out his tummy. I spoke to my vet, started giving him sachets every day and his tummy is back to normal. I'm still going to give him a sachet every other day to make sure we don't have a reoccurance and my vet said it was ok to do so and that this was a really good product.
16/05/22|Tina brown
Pro plan forti flora
This us amazing my cats both suffer with IBD obe us iften suffering with stomach upsets. But I put this kn her food and she loves it seems to aid digestion and it often makes her try some foods that normally she wont try. They both like it and although bit expensive its worth it to see her a much happier and settled cat
Keeping Maisie well
My cat Maisie had a mystery infection two years ago . She as so poorly, we thought we might lose her . She ended up having an operation on her tummy on suspicion of a growth but nothing was found except inflammation. She was diagnosed with FIV and an infection . She was prescribed Fortiflora to settle her tummy , which worked wonders . She’s been having it daily to keep her tummy in tip top condition and so far it seems to be working .
She’s in great condition.
It's like Heroin for cats!
I first bought Fortiflora to help my little tortie girl who had some problems with her guts and also constantly overgroomed.
Happily just 1 sachet a day on her food for 30 days resolved all her problems.
I have now bought a 2nd box for the digestive enzyme aspect rather than the probiotic element. Sadly I used to feed my cats Felix which has digestive enzymes in it to make it more palatable for cats. So now I have to wean them off this addictive drug.
Resulted in Diarrhea
I just supposed that probiotic is a good thing and wanted to perk my cat`s health and defenses with this. I guess it was my fault, this clearly is like a medicine and should be advised by the doctor, even if it is over the counter. Anyway, in my cat`s case after just 2 pouches it caused diarrhea. Probably not what she needed. I think they should advertise those things clearer, because everything you read and see is how amazing all round it is, and not how to be cautious. For that price.
Seems to work!
My cat had often loose stools and would be very fussy over her food. She seems to like her food a lot more with half a sachet over it and that seems to have solved the loose stools most of the time as well. We did get hairballs again now though, so I give her once a week a break from these and feed her some malt paste instead.
My senior cat was having digestive & eating issues. These have sorted both out! He happily eats his food with the sprinkles on & his stools are much healthier.
Excellent product
My cats love it and it is great for any digestive issues. I give it to 2 of my cats with IBS.
19/04/21|Dr Biljana Milojkovic
Great product
The cats love it and helps them with their digestion