18 reviews forKONG AirDog American Football with Squeaker
Upload your product photo05/02/24|pat harris
I wish I had read the reviews before buying
my cockapoo stripped the cover off within minutes.Not what I expected from a Kong product.very disappointing
The size of this is perfect…price was great but My 10 month old Rottweiler destroyed this in 45 mins so disappointed it didn’t last longer… the large Kong balls last at least a couple of days.. but she did enjoy it
24/06/21|Jo Strong
My dogs would give it 5 stars
Sadly these do not last long. The felt gets ripped off and the squeaker dies quickly. But, my dogs absolutely love them so I keep coming back for more…
Very disappointed
Firstly this product is larger than I expected, I bought it for a miniature dachshund and its larger than her head!
However, it still didn't stop her ripping the felt off within 10 minutes. I'm sure the inners are stronger, we'll see.
Didn't last 2 minutes :(
Unfortunately I was very disappointed with this product it literally didn't last 2 minutes once my German Pointer got at it. To be honest I expected a lot more from Kong. Might be ok for a Chihuahuas!
Not built for lasting
My 9mth Staffordshire bull terrier & my 10mth Rottweiler both loved this rugby ball, but unfortunately it only lasted 1hr 🙈
05/08/20|Sally O'Kane
Loved by my dogs
My dogs love this ball. It's pretty robust and lasted a couple of months before they finally got to the squeaker which is pretty good going for my two! The random bounce due to the shape is fun for them.
Dog loved it but not as tough as you'd expect from Kong
Bought this for my large GSD junior (10 months), he wasn't interested really in balls but took to this straightaway, loves running round with it in his mouth squeaking!
As others have said, cover comes off quite quick and he has now made holes in the ball itself so it "puffs" rather than squeaks, but he still loves this over his other toys.
Lasted around 2 weeks for cover to come off and 3 weeks for holes.
Great toy, but a shame it is not as resilient as you would expect from Kong!
Loud 😂
Don't have any idea why but my dog has huge love for anything Kong. He just knows it's Kong and I don't know why. So added this into his Kong collection. It's very thick and heavy, seems sturdy (for now) the outer felt material I could see coming off in the future as no matter what he just wants to rip the skin off things like this but he's happy so that's all that counts and good to throw around due to the shape so fun for him to chase... Sqeaker most definitely works... Loudly.
Ohhh dear! Not good
Within 5 minutes of my R&W Irish Setter getting this toy he had the cover stripped off! I hoped with this being a Kong toy it would have lasted a bit longer. Not impressed
Best toy ever.
My Greyhounds and Vizla puppy love this ball. The cover came off quite quickly but I tied the bare ball up in an old sock. Then it became even more fun! Endless tug of war!
19/01/15|Emma Copperthwaite
Not for large breeds
Having skinned the ball in 5 mins, my Dane was able to chew it to pieces in the minutes that followed.
Great size but simply not strong enough. Very disappointed :(
10/08/14|Nina Thurstans
It only lasted 5 minutes
I have 2 standard poodles Freddy got the ball striped the cover off then Oscar took a bite out of it they are usually kind with toys
Very impressed :-)
I genuinely never write reviews but have been so pleased with this product I felt I ought to. I have two Japanese Akitas who usually have no real interest in chasing balls or toys at all (fetch usually involves me chasing and fetching the ball!). They do like to chew /pull stuff out of toys though so as a result nothing usually lasts very long in our house.
Both my dogs (bitch & dog) have gone absolutely mad for this product, both ignoring other noises (including alarms and cockerels!) when playing with the ball.
It's had a few outings now and remains in tact.
I've been really impressed :-)
Great fun, and durable
"Go get your rugby ball" is always greeted with such excitement by our lab. We use if for indoor fun/lunacy/exercise on rainy days. The unpredictable nature of the oval ball means it's great fun, and full of surprises. It's very durable. It's had a few dogs have a few goes at destroying it (trying to nibble around any of the edging/decoration to get a start on it), but survived no problem! It's big, though, so you're not going to throw this straight at a small/medium dog. I cringe when I throw it straight at our lab, but he loves mid-air jumps to catch it (and hasn't broken his jaw yet!). Recommended (for bigger dogs).
Long lasting
The felt covering got stripped quite quickly but the ball (large size) is still going strong and the squeaker has not been destroyed, which is a first!! The squeaker will get on your nerves but your dog will love you for it!!
This is the only toay that lasted more than 30min. All toys we gave to our 8 year old lab are being demolished within minutes or hours. This is the only one that survived. The squicker is extremely noisy!
07/01/11|fiona woof
great ball...hours of fun!
have been looking for another rugby ball since coming across one at a dog show...it was a great success first time round! I have a GSP with loads of energy and this keeps him occupied for hours - running back and forth in the garden...have to say it is perfect for him to catch on the run too! (puts my husbands rugby skills into question at times)...absolutely brilliant and now buying 2 more so that they are ready when needed