Broccoli dog food
Got one fussy labrador Rosie loves it and so do poppy
Excellent dog food
My dogs absolutely love this! I have an English bully who won’t touch raw dog food so this is the next best option! My puppy xl bully gets this mixed with raw chicken carcass and eukanuba kibble and absolutely loves it too!!! AND it’s cheaper than buying supermarket available brands! Brilliant food fully recommend
rescue dog
we have an adult dog, who has no idea about dogs foods.
we tryed few, but his poos was slopy, a person from rescue dogs group,mentioned about rocco.
we start to gv him 3 months ago, since the his poo are great and every time when we prepear his food ,he is prancing around till bowl is down.
dog age 3 yrs, adoption with us 7 months
Cannot fault
Great food. Accompanied by adding raw minces if I forget to defrost enough for my dogs. I’ve also taken in a dog from 2 addicts. He’s 4, blind with poorly ears and couple of other ailments. He’s used to street foods instead of nutrient full dog food. He absolutely loves this and it’s helping with transitioning him to a raw diet. I love the German dog foods as no additional rubbish in them. I only want the best for my dogs
Great Wet Food
Our two Henry ( French Bulldog) and Lily ( Boxer) really love Rocco we have all the different flavours so they get a fantastic variety . Its a great alternative to raw feeding which I have done for a long time until my Frenchie went of raw, and if you cant feed raw for whatever reason no freezer space etc . As for value for money its amazing especially if you are on a tight budget . I frequently recommend Rocco in all the dog groups I' on in Facebook . A big thumbs up from me, Henry & Lily :o)
I got it with my points and.. my dog loves it! I will definitely buy it again when the time comes to stock up on tins!
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2 Huskys absolutely love it
We have been feeding Rocco for years. Our two dogs love it, all the flavours have gone down a treat. Chicken hearts is their favourite. We have recommended it countless times to many satisfied customers. We will definitely stick to it.
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I use it mixed with dry food and the difference in the dogs is noticeable
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They love it
Every now and then I switch it up and give this to my dogs. They lvoe it
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Good product
My Dogue de bordeaux, weighing almost 50 kg, eats it with pleasure, he loves it and there are real meaty chunks, you can see them. And it smells good!
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I have 3 Dalmatians who love this food & it’s a nice Saturday treat compared to other days when they are fed forthglade. I can only use the pure green tripe as Dalmatians have to have a low purine diet & they love the green tripe, they wolf it down so it’s a nice treat for them once a week 😊
Always a pleasure
Our mix loves them and his stool is healthy too. I can thoroughly recommend it.
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Great value for money
For the price this is amazing, m dog loves his food and even the cat tries to steal it from his plate. In the chicken hearts flavour you can see them floating in the food
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I bought this to introduce a high meat content into my dog's diet. I have 2 Mastiff and a little mongrel and all of them love this food. I also helped a sick dog recover with these tins. Highly recommended.
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Best tim food
my dog won't eat chappie or any other brand and soon as he had rocco he loves all varieties and it is pure meat and very tasty he don't leave any and its almost good enough to make you wanna try it . Smells so good
Our big dog (saved from incredible mistreatment today he has been raised to the rank of KING of the house, also for the reason mentioned above ....) REX our German shepherd likes this food very much ..... and we alternate between Animondas one day and this the next.... also perfect for the digestive system!!! I must say that he prefers different flavours .... it seems that he chooses them ... in reality we choose them but .... he approves !!!
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Wow! Just wow...
I have three small dogs, two of which suffer with stomach issues. We have been feeding them Lilly’s Kitchen for quite some time ( having tried other brands previously) we thought spending £140 a month for their food from Lilly’s Kitchen was worth the money. However, we started to research food that perhaps would be better for tummy issues, in the hope we may have missed something. Fast forward to finding Rocco’s. They all wolfed it down! Amazing
Perfectly satisfied
Our mixed breed female does really well with this food, no issues to speak of.
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Rocco meat with green tripe
I have 4 dogs including a giant taken in a kennel, a ravenous female labrador, an elderly dachshund and another mestizo up for adoption. Well, they love this food and the value for money is nothing short of fantastic, because it contains a lot of meat. I would recommend it
Originally published in
Excellent product, really tasty
Wanting to change it up, I decided to try this product in other flavours and I am really satisfied. My two small mestizos always devour it because they find it very palatable. Solid stools and no issues with diarrhea. I will continue to purchase this product which I highly recommend.
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