Not all dogs have the same life expectancy; it depends on genetics, lifestyle, breed and size. Therefore, they require specially tailored food to meet their individual needs. Since the aging process varies, each dog needs to be considered a senior at a different time depending on their size.
Small dogs (under 10kg) have an average longer life expectancy of about 12 years. Specialised senior dog food is designed to meet their individual nutritional needs and promote heart health, as well as overall well-being. We rely on the right products for a long, happy and healthy life for your small companion.
Medium-sized dogs with a life expectancy between their smaller and larger counterparts deserve specially selected senior dog food. This tailored food provides precise nutrients to support age-related sensitivities, ensuring that your loyal companion receives the high-quality nutrients needed for its golden years.
Larger dogs over 26 kilograms have a shorter lifespan of approximately seven to eight years, with an earlier onset of the aging process compared to their smaller counterparts and specific age-related sensitivities. Specialized nutrition for large, older dogs is designed to address these concerns – a balanced nutrient combination for natural aging.
Here you will find senior dog food suitable for all sizes from around five years old. Specially developed food for senior dogs includes a balanced blend of nutrients that promotes graceful aging and optimal health for dogs of all sizes.