For more than 80 years Pedigree has been developing complete and balanced dog food, the high quality of which has already been awarded several times by Stiftung Warentest. Happy dogs need a balanced diet. Pedigree invests time in researching the nutrients that go into the products - the company is constantly striving for improvement. And this passion for food can be found in the flavour. Your dog will love you for Pedigree, because it's delicious and does you good.
Developed by veterinarians
WALTHAM™ Centre for Pet Food: The scientific work in WALTHAM™ forms the basis for the recipes of Pedigree - and sets globally recognised standards for dog nutrition.
100% nutritionally complete
Pedigree's complete food, whether wet or dry, is 100% nutritionally complete. This provides dogs with all the nutrients and minerals they need for a healthy dog life.
Highest factory standards
The factories are regularly inspected by independent institutes according to the same standards as food manufacturers - so you can be sure that your dog gets the best food in their bowl.
Highest supplier standards
All suppliers are subject to regular checks, both internally and by external independent institutes. This ensures that the quality of the raw materials meets our high standards.
No food by other names
Pedigree is proud of the quality of our food and stands behind the work - that is why we only produce under our own name.