Save 3% on every order with our Savings Plan Special offer: 1 year saving for only £1.19! You’ll automatically get 3% off every order for the next year. On average, our Savings Plan members save £28 per year. Meaning you’ll have more in your pocket to treat yourself and your pet!
With a zooplus Savings Plan, you can:
• Save 3% on everything sold and shipped by zooplus.
• Maximise savings by adding your Savings Plan on top of other offers.*
• Enjoy exclusive offers available only to members.
• Collect zooPoints every time you shop and earn amazing rewards.
• Pay once, save for a whole year with no automatic renewal.
No, keep shopping.
Good to know:
* If individual discounts and coupons cannot be combined with the Savings Plan, the highest discount will be deducted from the shopping cart.
The conditions of participation for the zooplus savings plan apply.