Delicious wet food for all cats, 70% chicken, with broccoli, rich in nutrients & proteins, without additives or synthetic substances, grain-free, regionally produced in Austria....further information
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Product description
Delicious wet food for all cats, 70% chicken, with broccoli, rich in nutrients & proteins, without additives or synthetic substances, grain-free, regionally produced in Austria.
Looking for something special for your cuddly feline's bowl? MjAMjAM is an excellent choice when it comes to delicious wet food that also meets the demands of picky cats. The food for adult cats is prepared with carefully selected ingredients of the best quality.
With MjAMjAM you get cat food made from high-quality ingredients, most of which come from regional farms. The food does not contain any added cereals or sugar. In addition to plenty of meat, it contains other animal and vegetable ingredients that serve as suppliers of valuable vital substances.
MjAMjAM 6 x 400g at a glance
Prey-like wet food for adult cats
Very tasty: well accepted by many cats
High proportion of meat: fits well into a meat-rich, species-appropriate and natural diet
Enriched with other ingredients: contains various vegetable and animal extras as suppliers of vitamins and minerals, depending on the variety
Grain and gluten free: suitable for cats with allergies and intolerances
Choice ingredients: mainly from regional farms
No artificial binders, sugar, flavourings or preservatives
Gentle preparation: gently steam-cooked to preserve nutrients and flavours
Feeding recommendation:
MjAMjAM is a complete food for cats.
200 - 400 g daily for a fully grown cat weighing approx. 3 - 5 kg. Fresh drinking water should always be available for free use. After opening, store in the refrigerator for max. 24 hours. Please feed room warm.
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