Grain-free wet food for adult cats, with 100% fresh meaty ingredients and a single source of animal protein, free from added sugar and soya, with omega-3 fatty acids from rapeseed oil....further information
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Product description
Grain-free wet food for adult cats, with 100% fresh meaty ingredients and a single source of animal protein, free from added sugar and soya, with omega-3 fatty acids from rapeseed oil.
This animonda Carny Single Protein Adult 6 x 200g is a balanced, species-appropriate wet food for adult cats, with a complete recipe that makes this dish ideal for daily feeding. The wet cat food contains 100% fresh meaty ingredients, available in a range of delicious flavour varieties that each contain just a single source of animal protein.
animonda Carny Single Protein Adult 6 x 200g is a grain-free wet cat food that is made without any added sugar or soya. The cat food is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. It also contains rapeseed oil as a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. This animonda Carny Single Protein Adult 6 x 200g wet cat food is made in Germany to the highest quality standards.
animonda Carny Single Protein Adult 6 x 200g at a glance:
High-quality wet food for adult cats aged 1-6 years
Single animal protein: contains just a single source of animal protein
100% fresh meaty ingredients: ideal for species-appropriate nutrition
Balanced recipe: suitable as a complete daily nutrition
With rapeseed oil: as a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids
Contains taurine
Grain-free: suitable for cats with allergies and intolerances
Gentle preparation: to preserve natural nutrients
Free from: added sugar, soya, colourings, flavour enhancers and preservatives
Practical ring-pull opening: easy to open without needing a tin opener
I have an extremely fussy Ragdoll, she's a nightmare when it comes to food. I've tried loads of brands, but they often change the recipe slightly and she won't touch it again. This is the first cat food she ate straight away,
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