Delicious supplementary cat food made with 100% muscle meat. Each can of this species-appropriate, protein-rich wet food is totally grain-free. Available in different flavours or in handy mixed packs....further information
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Delicious supplementary cat food made with 100% muscle meat. Each can of this species-appropriate, protein-rich wet food is totally grain-free. Available in different flavours or in handy mixed packs.
Good News: The proven Wild Freedom Instinctive recipes are now available in a new design! During the transition phase, your order may contain both old and new design products.
Wild Freedom Instinctive supplementary wet cat food at a glance:
Supplementary wet food for adult cats
Made with protein-rich lean muscle meat
Choose from lots of great flavours
Completely grain-free for high digestibility
100% species-appropriate: inspired by the wild cat's natural diet
Wild Freedom Instinctive is a premium, supplementary wet cat food, inspired by your cat's natural instincts. The modern domesticated cat that is part of your family has evolved from the wild cat and still retains many of the predator instincts of its ancestors. Domesticated cats are obligate carnivores, in other words they need to eat meat to survive and it is important to feed them a diet with lots of healthy, protein-rich meat. Wild Freedom is committed to producing a tasty food that appeals to your cat's natural instincts and is based on the wild cat's natural eating habits in the wild. Cats do not eat grain in the wild so Wild Freedom cat food is completely grain-free.
Wild Freedom Instinctive is suitable for adult cats. It well accepted and tolerated, even by the choosiest of cats.
Wild Freedom 6 x 70g supplementary cat food is available in the following varieties:
Wide Prairies - Chicken
Rugged Cliffs - Tuna
Dense Forest - Venison
Silent Lake - Duck
Wild Rapids - Chicken with Salmon
Open Bushlands - Chicken with Quail
Hidden Woods - Wild Boar
Silvery Seas - Chicken with Sea Bass
Wild Freedom Misty Mountains Mixed Pack 6 x 70g contains:
2 x Wide Prairies - Chicken
2 x Rugged Cliffs - Tuna
1 x Dense Forest - Venison
1 x Silent Lake - Duck
Wild Freedom Shallow Shores Mixed Pack 6 x 70g contains:
2 x Wild Rapids - Chicken with Salmon
2 x Silvery Seas - Chicken with Sea Bass
1 x Open Bushlands - Chicken with Quail
1 x Hidden Woods - Wild Boar
This product has already been thoroughly tested by our zooplus pets, and received a "Pet Approved" seal of a approval! To find out why Yoshi loves it so much, click here.
Wild Freedom is a supplementary wet food for adult cats.
Feed s a snack or reward in between meals.
Treats and snacks count as part of your cat's daily food so take this into account and adjust your cat's food accordingly.
Always provide fresh drinking water.
Store in the refrigerator after opening. Feed at room temperature.
Texture doesn't look particularly great, have 4 cats and none of them really go for this at all and they arent generally fussy at all. Shame, as the Wild Freedom biscuits are generally a bigger hit
26/01/25|Monica campbell
: 5/5
Food the cat likes
Sadly goes out of stock quickly.
: 5/5
Big hit
You can see and smell the quality of this food. My cats favourites are venison and quail. I put a few biscuits in to make it complete. She leaves a bit but for her it's good news. It means she full and contented. Normally with other good quality food she licks the plate clean and later on crying for more. Shame it's not in biscuits as well
: 2/5
Strange Consistency
First Time ordering these and I'm not sure if we had a bad batch or if this is how they are meant to be, but every single one was very loose and mottled with strange white bits.
My cat, who is never fussy, wouldn't even touch it or go near it. Which makes me think something was wrong with them.
: 5/5
Big hitb
My cat loves this food both quail and venison. It's healthy and it looks full of temptation. Mixed with a few low fat biscuits to make complete.
: 5/5
My cat loves it
My cat does not like dry food, but she loves this one.
: 5/5
Fussy cat delight
My fussy cat can't get enough of the wild boar. He cleans the plate and looks for more, which is amazing.
: 1/5
Never available
Why hasnt this been in stock for months my poor cats esp 1 who will only eat this type is not happy at all i have been asking for notifications since august and not once has it been in stock since whats going on ? Is it discontinued or what ? If so can u let us know and tell me if theres anything similar as they wud have cosma for one meal and this for the secind aswell as biscuits and im struggling to find stuff that my one cat will eat hes lost loads of weight hes literally traumatised
17/06/23|Julie Platt
: 5/5
Very fussy cat...can't get enough!
Our Maine Coon is a fuss pot, but he loves these. Venison is the clear favourite, but he'll still eat all the others. The only thing to watch is it's not a complete food, so make sure to feed alongside a complete kibble.
: 5/5
Good for cat with allergy
Cat loves this food and munches it down. One the rare foods that doesnt give my cat diarrhoea
31/08/22|Claudia F.
: 5/5
My cat adores the Rugged Cliffs
Being a very fussy eater, my Tallulah is absolutely enamoured of the Instinctive Adult Wild Freedom range, and finishes every morsel on the dish :-)
04/06/21|originally published in
: 5/5
Very good
My cat like this!
Translated from by zooplus
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