100% vegetarian dry dog food, free from meat and gluten. A highly digestible diet, made with red lentils rich in valuable amino acids, omega fatty acids, vitamins & minerals. Ideal for sensitive dogs.
Dogs can be allergic to lots of ingredients in their food, even meat and fish. Green Petfood VeggieDog Origin provides a healthy alternative diet that provides your dog with all the nutrients it needs.Analytical constituents
protein | 22.0 % |
fat | 9.0 % |
fibre | 2.2 % |
ash | 5.8 % |
calcium | 0.85 % |
phosphorus | 0.65 % |
magnesium | 0.1 % |
potassium | 0.5 % |
sodium | 0.5 % |
calories that can be burned | 3564.0 kcal |
Green Petfood VeggieDog is a complete dry dog food.
Dog's Weight | inactive / elderly | normal / active | active |
5kg | 55g | 70g | 90g |
10kg | 90g | 115g | 145g |
20kg | 150g | 195g | 245g |
30kg | 200g | 265g | 330g |
40kg | 250g | 325g | 410g |
60kg | 335g | 455g | 560g |
80kg | 425g | 555g | 695g |