Delicious grain-free complete dry food for anxious or excitable dogs. Contains 45% lean turkey, the recipe is rich in protein and L-tryptophan. With sweet potato, and chamomile, known for its calming benefits.
Pooch and Mutt Calm & Relaxed is a premium grain-free complete dry dog food for dogs that tend to be anxious or excitable. The dry food is high in protein and the recipe contains 45% lean turkey, which is rich in L-tryptophan. L-tryptophan is essential in the creation of serotonin, a brain signalling chemical that controls mood and sleep.Analytical constituents
protein | 25.0 % |
fat | 12.0 % |
fibre | 3.5 % |
ash | 7.5 % |
calcium | 1.6 % |
phosphorus | 1.2 % |
moisture | 10.0 % |
sodium | 0.1 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.3 % |
omega-6 fats | 1.5 % |
Size of Dog | Serving per day |
Small Dogs (1 - 10kg) | 80 - 130g |
Medium Dogs (11 - 30kg) | 130 - 300g |
Large Dogs (31 - 50kg) | 300 - 440g |
Giant Dogs (51kg +) | 440g |