Purizon Original Lamb with Salmon Adult – Grain-free
: 4/5
Tasty dry dog food with 22% fresh lamb and 19% fresh salmon, made to a unique 80:20:0 recipe to suit your dog's natural dietary needs. Protein-rich, with fruit & veg but no additives, grain or gluten....further information
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Tasty dry dog food with 22% fresh lamb and 19% fresh salmon, made to a unique 80:20:0 recipe to suit your dog's natural dietary needs. Protein-rich, with fruit & veg but no additives, grain or gluten.
Purizon Adult Dog - Grain-Free Lamb with Salmon at a glance:
Meat and protein-rich complete dry dog food
80:20:0 recipe: 39% animal protein from top quality ingredients including fresh meat and fresh fish
Grain-free with 20% fruit, vegetables and herbs
Irresistible combination of 22% fresh lamb and 19% fresh salmon
Purizon Adult - Grain-free Lamb with Salmon dry dog food is is based on the natural carnivorous diet of dogs and made to a unique recipe with a balanced mix of meat and fish ingredients. All dogs, no matter what their breed or size, need a meat and protein-rich diet. Each Purizon 80:20:0 recipe is formulated to meet this dietary need and contains 80% meat & fish ingredients, as well as a 20% nutrient-rich mix of fruit, vegetables and herbs.
This premium, complete dog food contains 0% grain and gluten and is free from artificial preservatives and colours. It provides your dog with an easy to digest meal with 39% animal protein and other essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and roughage.
Your dog will savour the taste of this kibble with fresh lamb and delicate fresh salmon.
Energy per kg:
(ME FEDIAF, 2019): 16.62 MJ / 3.971 kcal
Analytical constituents
39.0 %
19.0 %
2.5 %
8.9 %
1.9 %
1.25 %
omega-3 fats
0.5 %
omega-6 fats
2.0 %
Feeding guide
Feeding recommendation
All dogs are different. The recommended feeding amounts are only guidelines and should be adapted to suit the individual needs (breed, age, temperament, activity level etc.) of your pet to ensure that it maintains an ideal body weight. When changing food, please introduce the new food gradually over a period of approx. two weeks. The food should be served dry. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and please make sure your pet always has fresh drinking water available.
As a general rule, I always give new kibble the once over for how it 'appears/feels/smells' and of course, how the dog reacts to this.
Perizon has always been consistent in its products in all these categories and always appears, to me at least, to have higher production values and/or quality kibble.
The dog always loves it too, as part of a balanced diet.
09/07/22|Linda Bennett
: 2/5
Very small kibble size, my pointer/labrador cross doesn't chew it.
20/05/21|originally published in zooplus.it
: 5/5
High quality product with excellent ingredients high up on the list and a high protein / ash ratio, in excess of 4.
Translated from zooplus.it by zooplus
04/05/21|originally published in zooplus.fr
: 5/5
Great kibble, excellent value for money
I have been feeding my 1 and a half year old Pépette with this since she was tiny and I've never had any issues with this brand. She started off with Puppy Chicken/Fish and when she turned a year old I started her on Lamb/Salmon. I started her transition with the new recipe, and she loves it all the same and her poos are perfect !
She has a beautiful coat and bundles of energy !
Translated from zooplus.fr by zooplus
10/04/21|originally published in zooplus.fr
: 4/5
No changes from the new recipe
For my whippet, who is very sensitive when it comes to digestion, I didn't notice any changes between the new recipe and the old one. She is still without gas, keeps the food down... She even ate the new one straight away (I guess that's novelty for you !). Sticking with Purizon for the moment, she can't tolerate the chicken and fish version for example! But this one I'm very happy with, the only reason I've taken one star off is because I don't know whether the new recipe or the old one is better in terms of nutrients.
Translated from zooplus.fr by zooplus
29/01/21|originally published in zooplus.fr
: 5/5
The best!
A great list of ingredients!! Excellent value for money!
My dogs love it, I have finally found the right food for them. It's one of the only foods I've tried that manages to keep my dog's delicate digestion and bloating under control.
Thank you
Translated from zooplus.fr by zooplus
26/01/21|originally published in zooplus.de
: 5/5
The best food for our Labradors
We have always fed Purizon and ordered this as soon as we could. It has an even higher meat content, which both of our Labradors love! For our part, we love the grain-free recipe.
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
22/01/21|originally published in zooplus.de
: 5/5
Well received
My little ones love it :P and no surprise with this level of quality
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
21/01/21|originally published in zooplus.de
: 5/5
Great quality!
I am super happy with Purizon. My Labrador seems to love it and it really agrees with her. I can only recommend it!
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
17/12/20|originally published in zooplus.fr
: 5/5
New recipe
The new recipe is even higher in protein and has less sugar ! Now just waiting for the 12kg package, then it's done ! My Golden Retriever loves the food, the ingredients are top notch ! No need to transition from the old food, the differences aren't that major
Translated from zooplus.fr by zooplus
21/11/20|originally published in zooplus.it
: 5/5
Dearly loved
My dog has eaten every bowl with pleasure and we haven't any kind of problem from it.
Translated from zooplus.it by zooplus
15/10/20|originally published in zooplus.de
: 5/5
Great food
The high meat content won me over! Both of my dogs are very pleased with it as well. The kibble looks good and we will definitely be ordering it again.
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
28/09/20|originally published in zooplus.de
: 5/5
Outstanding dog food
Very high quality and my dog likes it a lot! I can thoroughly recommend it.
Translated from zooplus.de by zooplus
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