Taste of the Wild - Southwest Canyon Adult
A balanced dry dog food with natural ingredients including lots of meat, grain-free kibble made with beef, lamb, wild boar and fish, rich in antioxidants, omega-3 & 6 and prebiotics. Made in the USA
Taste of the Wild – Southwest Canyon is made to a unique formula with a blend of animal protein sources, including wild boar. This tasty kibble is suitable for dogs of all breeds and sizes in the adult stage of life. The biologically appropriate kibble is based on the original feeding habits of your dog while taking your dog's lifestyle into account. It contains a high percentage of valuable animal protein from tasty lamb, beef, wild boar and fish. This dry dog food is totally grain-free. Dogs cannot digest grain easily and it is known to cause digestive problems in many dogs. Taste of the Wild – Southwest Canyon is made with peas which are a great source of lots of important nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Vegetables and fruit provide minerals and vitamins and it is rich in antioxidants which protect the cells from free radicals and also help to strengthen the immune system. Chicory with the prebiotic inulin and yucca schidigera help to keep the digestive system working well. All ingredients are of the highest possible quality to ensure high palatability and digestibility, even for dogs will nutritional sensitivities.Taste of the Wild - Southwest Canyon dry dog food at a glance:
Analytical constituents
protein | 29.0 % |
fat | 15.0 % |
fibre | 4.5 % |
ash | 7.8 % |
moisture | 10.0 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.3 % |
omega-6 fats | 2.4 % |
DHA fatty acid | 0.05 % |
docosahexaenoic acid | 0.05 % |
Taste of the Wild – Southwest Canyon is a complete dry food for adult dogs.
Dog's weight | 6-12 weeks | 3-4 months | 5-7 months | 8-12 months | Adult |
1 - 2.25kg | 100 - 133g | 75 - 125g | 66 - 75g | 50 - 66g | 33 - 50g |
2.25 - 4.5kg | 133 - 225g | 125 - 200g | 75 - 133g | 66 - 100g | 50 - 100g |
4.5 - 9kg | 225 - 350g | 200 - 300g | 133 - 225g | 100 - 175g | 100 - 150g |
9 - 13.5kg | 350 - 466g | 300 - 400g | 225 - 300g | 175 - 233g | 150 - 200g |
13.5 - 18kg | 466 - 575g | 400 - 500g | 300 - 366g | 233 - 300g | 200 - 233g |
18 - 27kg | - | 500 - 666g | 366 - 475g | 300 - 375g | 233 - 325g |
27 - 36kg | - | - | 475 - 575g | 375 - 466g | 325 - 375g |
36 - 45kg | - | - | 575 - 675g | 466 - 550g | 375 - 450g |
45 - 57kg | - | - | 675 - 800g | 550 - 633g | 450 - 525g |
57 - 68kg | - | - | - | 633 - 725g | 525 - 600g |
68 - 79kg | - | - | - | 725 - 800g | 600 - 666g |