Delicious complete and grain-free wet food for anxious dogs. Contains lemon balm and hemp oil to help keep your dog relaxed. With lamb, beef and turkey.
Pooch and Mutt Calm & Relaxed Wet Dog Food is a tasty wet food with succulent Lamb, Beef & Turkey with added Lemon Balm and Hemp Oil. The perfect trio to keep your dog serene. If your dog suffers with their mental wellbeing, whether it be anxiety, nervousness or feeling overexcitable, and they need some help relaxing, Pooch and Mutt Calm & Relaxed Wet Dog Food could be the perfect meal for them!Weight of Dog | Serving per day (pouches) |
5kg | 1 1/2 pouches |
10kg | 2 1/2 pouches |
15kg | 3 1/2 pouches |
20kg | 4 pouches |
30kg | 5 1/2 pouches |
40kg | 6 1/2 pouches |