Great dog food
My dogs love it, they don't itch anymore and are very satisfied. The size of the kibble is great and the pieces are crunchy. Wonderful quality.
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I really like it for my dogs
Small, healthy and quite tasty for my dogs.
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Huskies love this food
Both my huskies have sensitive stomachs and this works really well and they both love it
Good quality
good size of pieces for small dogs, pleasant smell and taste, quite crunchy
but my dogs won't eat it without a little extra (I have to add meat or cottage cheese to their dry food).
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It's tasty but we won't be ordering again
Final entry...We have tried all the flavours and while they tasted great...they also caused a lot more poos and four times on their first walk of the day just seems excessive to me and can't be pleasant for the dogs either so I won't be ordering it again...but it was worth trying and could easily have been different.
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Follow up
Follow up entry... the food has gone down a treat with my dogs. Unfortunately I have noticed that they are having to poo more often during their walks - 3/4 times instead of the usual twice a day. At least the poo is firm and looks healthy. Gonna use up this food and then go back to Acana because they were going twice a day with that food.
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Lamb has been a hit, and Veggie has also gone down well but Lamb is probably their favourite. Will try the other two flavours (Beef and Turkey) next, have already ordered them. So far so good with stool, but will see what happens.
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Sounds good, but it's not ideal
My dogs like eating this food and it seems to go down well but they have started pooing 4 times a day when they used to go once or twice. When I change their food it goes back to normal. It might be grain-free but the increased digestive activity points to other fillers.
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