FroliCat™ Cat Toys
Frolicat Interactive Cat Toys
An innovative range of fun, stimulating toys for your feline!
Cats are curious creatures and they love to play, especially in ways that stimulate all of their senses. This range of Frolicat toys are designed to do just that, awakening its natural desires and keeping it entertained, both physically and mentally. Frolicat interactive toys are a great way to encourage your cat's natural hunting instincts so that it can stalk and pounce to its heart's content!
This selection of Frolicat interactive cat toys includes a great range of different cat toy options, including laser pointer toys, chasing toys and hide-and-seek toys.
Browse the full range of Frolicat products available here at zooplus
This range of Frolicat interactive cat toys offers something for everyone.
These premium quality toys are a great way to keep your cat entertained at all times of day, even when you are not around to play. These battery operated toys are a great way to keep your cat enterained, even if you are not at home! Or they are perfect for just watching your cat pounce, hide and chase!
The range of Frolicat toys is extensive, offering an option for everyone.
All of these Frolicat cat toys are premium quality and designed to appeal to your cat's hunting instinct
Browse the full range of Cat Toys available here at zooplus to appeal to every one of your cat’s senses.