Lupo dry dog food is a complete diet for dogs, with a Lupo Sensitive option that is ideal for reducing nutritional intolerances and allergies in affected dogs. Lupo Natural dog food offers cold-pressed dishes that are guaranteed to be made from the nest natural ingredients, such as steamed potatoes, alpine herbs and a beneficial aquamin vitamin complex from the depths of the ocean. The Swiss chicken used in Lupo Natural comes from animal-friendly rearing using selected Swiss farms, with each purchase helping to support animal protection programmes. Lupo Sensitive is a special diet for sensitive dogs, made using a gentle cold-water-pressing method. This helps to retain beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Lupo Sensitive dog food is 100% natural, for a 100% dog!
A tasty, hypoallergenic, whole food kibble for sensitive dogs. It does not contain any allergenic substances or grain so it is ideal for active dogs with allergies or a sensitive digestion.
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A tasty, hypoallergenic whole food kibble for sensitive dogs. It does not contain any allergenic substances or grain so it is ideal for less active dogs with allergies or a sensitive digestion.
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TRUE NATURE dog food is made with chicken from Swiss farms which guarantee species appropriate, humane breeding, Arctic sea fish & steamed potatoes.
*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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